BACKDATE - vertaling naar arabisch
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BACKDATE - vertaling naar arabisch



أَرَّخَ بِتَارِيخٍ سابِق

يؤرخ بتاريخ سابق يجعله مفعولا رجعيا
يؤرخ بتاريخ سابق يجعله مفعولا رجعيا      

backdate (VT)


¦ verb Brit. make (something, especially a pay increase) retrospectively valid.
?put an earlier date to (a document or agreement) than the actual one.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor BACKDATE
1. And I might even backdate it to January 1, 1970.
Scribe - My Life in Sports _ Bob Ryan _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor BACKDATE
1. We are seeking legal advice over the Chancellor‘s decision to backdate this tax to people who have already booked.
2. But he will assure them he has no plans to backdate the power to cover existing schools.
3. The pay row escalated last night after Home Secretary Jacqui Smith refused to backdate a below–inflation 2.5 per cent pay rise to September 1.
4. In a separate federal case, Henry Nicholas has pleaded not guilty to charges of drug use and conspiring to backdate $2.2 billion of employee stock options.
5. It could, however, reach three times that amount if Revenue and Customs decided to backdate its claims three years, as is legally permitted.